Saad Farooq
3 min readMar 29, 2021

Planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities.

“Remember that Time is Money”

by Benjamin Franklin, 1748

First question in our mind arises that why do we need time. Well, lemme tell Why.

We need time for:

  • Effective planning.
  • Setting goals and objectives.
  • Setting deadlines.
  • Delegation of responsibilities.
  • Prioritizing activities as per their importance.
  • Spending the right time on the right activity.

There is a right time for everything i.e,
A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot
A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace
A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance
A time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak
A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down, and a time to build
A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep, and a time to throw away

Time management” is actually the process of organizing and planning how to divide our time between specific activities. Good time management enables one to work smarter, not harder so that one gets more work done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. These skills help us in every aspect of life. As having good management skills one can make good decisions. Good judgment comes from experience. Experiences come from bad judgment

Well, let me make it easy for you. First, make a TODO list. It helps a lot. Then break things down into small steps like a child cleaning his room or making his bed etc. Do the ugliest thing first

After considering the benefits of time management, let’s look at some ways to manage time effectively:

1. Costing your Time

Understand the true value by calculating your cost per year.

Cost per year = (salary + taxes + office space + office equipment + profit you generate)

2. Making Activity Logs

Make a realistic estimate of time spent during the day on job orders. Pinpoint the critical areas. Finding the high yielding time of our day.

3. Goal Setting

Setting lifetime goals help to chart your life course and your career path. Break up your lifetime goal into smaller goals. Make a daily To-Do list. Revise and update your list on daily basis and judge your performance.

4. Planning

Draw an action plan, a list of things that need to be done to achieve your goals

5. Prioritizing

Make a To-do list. Consider the value of the task before doing it. i.e, Is it worth spending your time and company resources? Prioritize your task i.e, The most important jobs should be completed first followed by other jobs.

The priority matrix

6. Scheduling

Make a realistic estimate of how much you can do. Plan to make the best use of the available time. Reserve some contingency time to deal with ‘unexpected jobs’. Minimize stress by avoiding commitment by yourself and others.

Time Management Matrix

Well lemme summarize all on how To ManageTime

  • Prepare yourself first
  • Balance your effort
  • Focus on your most productive time of day
  • Manage time in increments.
  • Take a break. Clear your mind
  • Keep track of your progress
  • Reassess the list
  • Leave time for fun.
  • Sleep for 7–9 hours every night.

That's all from my side for today. Thanks for reading. See you in the next blog.

Till then, Take care :)



Saad Farooq

Fellow at Jadu Full Stack Development Fellowship Program