Jadu Full Stack Development Fellowship Program and My experience of the First week

Saad Farooq
3 min readFeb 16, 2021

So, I still remember that one day I was having a small talk with a good friend of mine. And he told me about this Jadu fellowship program. I became a bit curious so I myself did some research and found out this:

Jadu Fellowship Program is an immense, hands-on, online program of “Fullstack Development” taught by pioneers in the tech industry, aimed to impart technical and soft skills in people and help them into a remote job placement. The 4-month remote work fellowship is focused not only on developing technical skills, but also on polishing interpersonal skills essential to take a remote job. The program will also connect students to a global community of tech experts who will assist them in finding remote jobs all around the globe.

I really liked the idea. I felt that this was a welcoming opportunity for me. So, I decided to apply.

After the thorough evaluation for JADU Full-stack fellowship, the long wait is over. One day, I received an email which said that I got selected among the top 50 candidates. It was a great feeling, a sense of achievement infact.

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”

Thomas Jefferson

So, setting out on this new journey, I am very exited. A bit nervous to be honest due to the fact that I am from Electrical Engineering background. Although I have quite a lot of programming experience but still not being from an IT background, I felt a little nervous. But I decided that I wont let it affect me and would work even harder to level the odds.

Here comes the first day of the program i.e. the orientation day. We got to know and meet our mentors and the complete outline of the course was explained. Following is the course content of this program

Jadu fellowship program content

Week 1 was really great as there was a lot to learn especially our mentors Saad Hamid and Arsalan Khattak were great. They are very talented at teaching and interacting with students and have a vast skill sets of modern IT technologies. We got to interact with our fellows and tribes were formed to enhance the aspects of teamwork and learning. A Discord server was formed for us to communicate with our fellows and the mentors to seek any kind of help 24/7.

One of the best thing about this program is that it is planned for everyone i.e. newbies as well as pros (because one never know he may learn something new). So we started from basic concepts like introduction to internet and how WEB works, front end, back end and database etc. We were taught to set up the tools which we going to use in this program like VS code. We also made our Git hub accounts for future use. Everyone was pretty amazing.

At the end I would say that I am really excited to move ahead with this amazing 4 months program with full motivation and with the guidance and help from Jadu family, I am confident enough to say that I will ace it. InshaALLAH.



Saad Farooq

Fellow at Jadu Full Stack Development Fellowship Program